Sunday, July 20, 2008

Je suis un petit abricot.

Well well well. Another installment of this hilariously boring blog.

I have not done anything neat in the last few days. I ate mediocre Indian food in the city, walked around a lot, went up to the Alderman for a drink and chatted with Aniki and Emma. Then got accosted by a 40 year old woman in a bar a few doors down. She was drunk as hell and all over me and I didn't know what to do, so I sat there and got played with until she got distracted and I snuck out. Whew, close one.

The next day I sat inside most all of it, and while trying to find answers to some DJ problems I was having, I found out that one of the few DJs I've actually been listening to regularly was playing, THAT NIGHT. So out I went to see In Flagranti. He played at 2a, I got there at 11p, so I was wasted by the time he came on. I puked in the bathroom (first time in Australia, I'm doing better!) and went out to sit and listen to him spin. I met a bloke named Brad who was really nice and we chatted for a long time, laughed a lot, and drank. I didn't get any of his info though. It was a brisk hour walk home or so, and that was helpful for the state I was in.

I got home and confessed my love to Jessie though, who, while I do love, as a friend, is probably extra creeped out by it. Jessie, love you tons, but I think we both know how our relationship would turn out. You beating me up and me staying in the kitchen and never going out anymore.
Yesterday I left the house once, because I was quite hungover. I got in at like 4a or something (I left early) and slept till 2. Then said "screw it, I'm staying inside and doing fuck all." I got Doritos, and soda, and did just that. Although I did watch a footy game, that was EXCELLENT.

I found facebook boggle, so I've been pretty much addicted to that. But my internet just went back to being slow as hell today, so I'm guessing it won't work anymore, because nothing really does when you're on dial up speed being shared between 3 computers.

American Astronaut is playing on Friday, and I will make a date of it if I have to kidnap some girl off the street and put her in a cocktail dress. I think a friend of a friend (Olga from Warsaw!) will be the one to go with me though, just to have a ball, dress up, and watch probably the best movie I've ever seen, on a big screen. I believe Joan is going to come as well, and hopefully my room mates!

I applied for a job as a publicist for the Esplanade Hotel here in St. Kilda. It's a popular venue, and an institution I guess here in Melbourne. I think I have the skill to do it, as long as they won't mind an American. We shall see. The cover letter was only 200 words, but it was witty and got the point across, and my CV still looks very good, and I reordered some things so they come first under responsibilities of my jobs. I think it's on point. Other than that, there's been no leads for jobs. This is harder than I thought...but then again, I don't want to wait tables really.

Today I went walking, down the coast a bit, and then it started to rain, which sucked, so I came back home. I will maybe look around on a map and see what's close and if there is anything fun around. My room mate said there is a giant banana and strawberry somewhere in the city. There was an architectural tour of downtown today, called Open House Melbourne. But I didn't want to go into the city really, and I don't know how into it I would be. Oh well.

This One Hundred Years of Solitude is good, but it doesn't make me want to pick it up and finish it. It just is like a time killer...which is fine, but not nearly as engrossing as the other books I've read recently. I think I'll be relieved to start The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

The DJ gear I wanted doesn't work with my computer so I have to spend about $50 more on something less cool, that should work. I'm still compiling some mixes, so we will see. Once I get the song lineup at least...and my midi controller working perfectly...I will probably shell out the cash to finish the mixes and be ready to play out.

Hopefully I'll have a job by then! :)

Fun facts for your day:
Rooting is slang for sex here. Fanny means vagina. Therefore 'rooting with your fanny pack on' is a hilarious statement. As well, the Australians think it is funny when us Americans say the word 'dirty' because it sounds...well...dirty, rather than pertaining to dirt or unclean. I think this is much like how when Stacey used to say 'naughty' I would think it sounded sexy and mysterious and fun...yeah.
Dookie means nothing at all to the Australians, which makes a town named dookie hilarious. Because there is one.
As well, they have signs for powernaps. Like on the side of the road, billboards that are like "You need a powernap!" or ones that are like town signs, "Powernap - 4km" Ridiculous.
Lemonade is lemon/lime soda. Like Sprite. As well, there is no Diet Pepsi. Marketing told Pepsi that 'diet' has a negative connotation so they changed the name to Pepsi Max. And no, it isn't like the new energy Pepsi that we have, I made this argument to Joan and lost. Root beer is no where to be found, which is very VERY sad. As well, Dr. Pepper is a specialty cola, they don't sell it except in special little places. I found Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in a specialty liquor store down the street. It costs $7 a bottle. Someone will HAVE to bring me some from the States, I might even see if you can just ship it in for me. No New Belgium or anything of the sort, even at the specialty beer store. Boo, sunshine and mothership are needed as well in the beer package.

That is all for now. We shall be making more Mexican food for our friends on Thursday I believe, so this time I will take pictures!


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