I realized the other day that I have eaten fries (chips!) almost every day for the last week or so. That's gross, but delicious. I think I dropped the weight I wanted to when I moved here, became sick, and walked around all day for a week straight. Too bad I'm a little fatty wannabe and went on a binge of fries. Joan and I compared tummies, Emma judged, I won. That should be a CMJ category, skinny kids with the most abnormal poochy guts. Make it happen Lisa.
I finished the Yiddish Policeman's Union, and Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon. The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay is on my floor but I decided to take a break from books about Jews and instead started reading 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Oh yeah, my pro/con for Wayne and Garth never came to fruition, so instead we will just conclude if you want to rule, get chicks, and wear black...Wayne is your man. If you like being goofy, and playing the drums, and being a lone wolf...Garth is your model human being. Get yourself some red rope licorice.
I cooked. Yeah! Mom be proud! We made Mexican for the girls, because we can do that and blow their minds for like $3. The tortillas were incredible! Home made! I was very impressed at how easy they were. I also made some Greek garbanzo bean salad with mint and garlic and scallions and such. It was super easy, but look at that! Fresh cooked food to supplement my diet of fried potatoes! Joan also showed me how to fry an egg. I don't like cooking eggs, but it looks like I will have to get the hang of it. They are the cheap food of choice so far.
Okay, as promised, here are pictures: the beach and a giant pineapple Joan and I found.
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