Friday, August 1, 2008

Bury your broken self and head out west.

What do you do when you have nothing to do? Spend money.

No really. I have been doing pretty good with my budget. I just need to get some sort of income. I guess prostitution is creeping up quite quickly in the available options. Or porn.

I have officially forgotten all of the knots I worked so hard to learn in my last week or so with my family. I will relearn them though, because saying I know how to tie a French bowline sounds so sexy.

Today I got up before noon (accomplishment) and was able to experiment with something I have been waiting to figure out for a while now.

McDonald's egg mcmuffin (the only thing besides fries worth eating there) is completely different here. As well, I felt like quite a dolt while looking for it on the menu, because there is no 'egg mcmuffin' just a 'bacon & egg mcmuffin.' Gross right? Well bacon is just ham I guess so it was the same thing. But grosser. MMMMmmmm. I'm about to blow everyone's mind though here: Orange Juice from McDonald's is actually WORSE in Australia. I know I know, you're thinking "How in the hell can that even happen?!" and I will reassure you that it is not because it has dirt in it or something. It's actually just vomit in a cup with some Tang sprinkled on. Mmmmmm. Cherish your actual crappy orange juice in the states, because it tastes like Jesus in a cup (not his blood or anything weird like that) compared to this stuff.

That was the longest tirade about McDonald's I think I've ever even imagined. Oh and right after I thought it up, while eating it on my bed, I went back to sleep. 6am is way too early to be up when you can't even fill the 8 hours of your normal lazy ass day.

The girls found my blog and took offense to the 'tidy but not clean' comment. I figure I will set things straight for everyone. The shower curtain was covered in mold and maybe one of the worst things I've ever had to touch (and I've touched poop). The floor made Joan's feet turn black, but that's okay because Joan's feet are gross anyway (ZING). And the final thing that made me say that was the little cup they have to rest your toothbrush in the bathroom made my toothbrush handle sorta smell like mildew, which is my most HATED smell. Easily. Anyways, other than that the girls are wonderful, and Megan and Fatimah are full of wit and class.

Tonight is the Arthur Russel movie premiere and disco party. I have been talking about it all week, but I don't know if I want to go now. I am feeling very blah about it, especially since it was supposed to be in a garage (the party) like the old paradise garage days, but instead is at one of the sleezy, normal, downtown clubs. I feel like (and others have given me the impression that) Roxanne will just be full of people who I won't want to really be around, especially for something as lame (or actually amazing) as a dress up disco party. I wish it was just people who would want to come and know Arthur Russel, and move to the disco loft jams of the 70s/80s NYC. I guess I'm just too much of a snob. We will see. I plan on going to at least one part of it tonight, probably the movie.

Sigur Ros is also tonight, Joan and Megan are going.

I have resigned myself to buying a phone with a camera, so until I get a job and can afford that, no pictures unless they are from my laptop or from Joan. Who has some of our dress up night for the Sweet Jelly Roll. I bet they are on her blog. Oh and when I say phone with a camera, I don't mean some shitty cameraphone. They have cameras, with phones built in. Or at least that's what they market them as. Cool eh?

As far as new adventures...we have been pretty lame over the past few days. Just sorta trying to find jobs and such. We found a GREAT little breakfast place in middle park. Yummy poached eggs with hollandaise. It's really really cute, and the main waiter reminds me of Dave Sanford, my old boss from Spectre. Like, he looks exactly like him but is gay.

No big dinners really, the girls made a yummy curry that we ate out of coconut bowls they brought back from Vietnam, and Joan and I were going to make quiche but instead we bought a premade pack of 18 petite quiche. Yum. Megan's cousin is coming over and we are making food tomorrow though! It should be a blast, as I dig on our dinner parties. They are fun. As long as we don't invite the CREEPIEST GUY IN MELBOURNE. But I think we have that under control now that we know who he is.

OH! I forgot to mention how awesome Vietnam sounds from my room mates. They both got incredible coats, shirts, and shoes made (ON THE SPOT) for super cheap. They take like, 1 day and you pick out the fabric and get it fitted and everything! I'm like DYING to go over there now. It'd be so much fun to take a couple hundred and just go get a few suits fitted the way I like them and made up, a few fitted shirts, and a nice coat. Man! Eff Thailand and underage prostitution, we are heading to Vietnam for underage and underpaid workers! I love you Asia!

Okay, wrapping this up with a few thoughts.
New job leads:
Youth and Education Music Coordinator, 55k/year part time. This one is big, cross everything for me. I think I have what it takes, actually, I know I have what it takes, I just wish my dumb ass didn't submit my 'not-so-great' cover letter and instead wrote up a nice special one. But I was too excited and just attached and sent. Let's hope they get past that and read into my CV that Radio 1190 was a youth oriented station...that's the big point I didn't think I got across.

Experienced Copywriter
This one is funny, so I thought I'd shoot for it. Everybody has been telling me they like my writing style, I did copy for the station, we can hope. Plus, I feel at home with this company already, just from their job posting. It's... here.

As well, I handed out 7 or so CVs the other day to record stores down in Fitzroy. We will see, not expecting much from them.

The other thought for the day? How in the hell do I hang all my socks to dry when I have 40 pairs or something? Ridiculous. Oh and I hate the wind. Still.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really did pack far too much stuff. 40 socks? Thats outrageous! Maybe you can give some to me to make up for all of mine that have holes in them.