Let's see! So much has happened in the past few days!
Okay not really, but Joan is back which makes my life COMPLETE. Or at least more complete. As well, Megan and Fatima are back from Vietnam. Which also makes my life more complete. I love them.
Let's seeee, it's been a while hmm?
I went walking down the coast again the next day, and it didn't rain on me. I got down to our little beach that is a bit nicer than the one right next to my house. It isn't much different, but it's a nice little walk to it!
I applied for 2 publicist jobs and another job at a radio station as an assistant manager. During Mexican night (sorry, forgot pictures again) I found out that the radio station is in Brisbane even though it was advertised in Melbourne. As well, the job at the Espy had been filled by the time I got my application in, and the last job is for a company that Emily said I wouldn't really want to work for. We will see, if I get the job, I'll go for it. If not, just have to keep looking I guess.
Mexican night was another success although had a few terrible things happen. Emily, a girl that knows Jess from Terrorbird in NYC, came over after a random invite from me two days before. She works in the music biz and is probably the best contact we've made down here in terms of that. She wants us to send off our resumes and cover letters and such, so she can forward them around. We will see. She was really wonderful though, we chatted forever about music and such. Andy, the first guy we met who showed us around and was so nice, came over and totally creeped everyone out. It was me, him, and 8 girls, 4 of which were lesbians in relationships, and he was just creepy as all hell. Good thing for me though, because it made me just look like a silly drunk! No, really, he said some things that were really scary and inappropriate and which I didn't learn about until the night was over. Sent him a good long "Hey, lose our numbers and don't come over again" text message the next morning. He was way out of line.
At least the people at the party were all quite okay with it. They thought it was funny, we had a few good laughs on his behalf the next morning because he was just so insanely off base. I like my friends down here so far. They're really good.
Figured out my DJ stuff, still trying to work out the mixes though, and then we'll get into the swing of things.
We went to a 9 acre farm/commune thing in the city yesterday. It was really cool, reminded me of Boulder co-op type places a lot, but was nice.
Last night we went out to the American Astronaut at ACMI (www.acmi.net.au). It was really fun, and I'm glad my room mates came and enjoyed it. I was deathly afraid they were going to hate it, because they didn't like Wet Hot American Summer, and then they wouldn't want to see any of the movies that I liked anymore. hah.
Check out all the cool stuff happening in Melbourne! www.threethousand.com I found this by chance the other day and am completely psyched! We are going to the Sweet Jelly Roll (the 50s rock and roll show) tonight so we have to go out and get some clothes to dress up. Excitttttting.
And then next week there is a screening of the Arthur Russel movie, and then a big disco party afterwards!!! And Emily is helping to put it on, so small world Melbourne!
Sierra said that some people say 50 years of solitude is enough. Agreed.
New music digs: Mirah's new one is incredible, Noah and the Whale are a favorite, there is a new Bob Log III that I haven't gotten yet but am excited to hear because, well, I love him, Black Kids is boring and way overhyped, Junior Boys put out a little mix that is alright, this Brooklyn band Crystal Stilts is pretty good, just an EP though, finally got ahold of the Hercules and the Love Affair CD and am reminded that I hate Anthony...so I like 3 songs on it, Ponytail suck, and there is a new Hauschka that I haven't listened to yet!
That's the update I guess! I don't know what else there is to say but I'm sure I will think of something next time that I left out.
Okay, no wit in this one, just a normal "Dear diary" because I'm feeling 15 and female.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Je suis un petit abricot.
Well well well. Another installment of this hilariously boring blog.
I have not done anything neat in the last few days. I ate mediocre Indian food in the city, walked around a lot, went up to the Alderman for a drink and chatted with Aniki and Emma. Then got accosted by a 40 year old woman in a bar a few doors down. She was drunk as hell and all over me and I didn't know what to do, so I sat there and got played with until she got distracted and I snuck out. Whew, close one.
The next day I sat inside most all of it, and while trying to find answers to some DJ problems I was having, I found out that one of the few DJs I've actually been listening to regularly was playing, THAT NIGHT. So out I went to see In Flagranti. He played at 2a, I got there at 11p, so I was wasted by the time he came on. I puked in the bathroom (first time in Australia, I'm doing better!) and went out to sit and listen to him spin. I met a bloke named Brad who was really nice and we chatted for a long time, laughed a lot, and drank. I didn't get any of his info though. It was a brisk hour walk home or so, and that was helpful for the state I was in.
I got home and confessed my love to Jessie though, who, while I do love, as a friend, is probably extra creeped out by it. Jessie, love you tons, but I think we both know how our relationship would turn out. You beating me up and me staying in the kitchen and never going out anymore.
Yesterday I left the house once, because I was quite hungover. I got in at like 4a or something (I left early) and slept till 2. Then said "screw it, I'm staying inside and doing fuck all." I got Doritos, and soda, and did just that. Although I did watch a footy game, that was EXCELLENT.
I found facebook boggle, so I've been pretty much addicted to that. But my internet just went back to being slow as hell today, so I'm guessing it won't work anymore, because nothing really does when you're on dial up speed being shared between 3 computers.
American Astronaut is playing on Friday, and I will make a date of it if I have to kidnap some girl off the street and put her in a cocktail dress. I think a friend of a friend (Olga from Warsaw!) will be the one to go with me though, just to have a ball, dress up, and watch probably the best movie I've ever seen, on a big screen. I believe Joan is going to come as well, and hopefully my room mates!
I applied for a job as a publicist for the Esplanade Hotel here in St. Kilda. It's a popular venue, and an institution I guess here in Melbourne. I think I have the skill to do it, as long as they won't mind an American. We shall see. The cover letter was only 200 words, but it was witty and got the point across, and my CV still looks very good, and I reordered some things so they come first under responsibilities of my jobs. I think it's on point. Other than that, there's been no leads for jobs. This is harder than I thought...but then again, I don't want to wait tables really.
Today I went walking, down the coast a bit, and then it started to rain, which sucked, so I came back home. I will maybe look around on a map and see what's close and if there is anything fun around. My room mate said there is a giant banana and strawberry somewhere in the city. There was an architectural tour of downtown today, called Open House Melbourne. But I didn't want to go into the city really, and I don't know how into it I would be. Oh well.
This One Hundred Years of Solitude is good, but it doesn't make me want to pick it up and finish it. It just is like a time killer...which is fine, but not nearly as engrossing as the other books I've read recently. I think I'll be relieved to start The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
The DJ gear I wanted doesn't work with my computer so I have to spend about $50 more on something less cool, that should work. I'm still compiling some mixes, so we will see. Once I get the song lineup at least...and my midi controller working perfectly...I will probably shell out the cash to finish the mixes and be ready to play out.
Hopefully I'll have a job by then! :)
Fun facts for your day:
Rooting is slang for sex here. Fanny means vagina. Therefore 'rooting with your fanny pack on' is a hilarious statement. As well, the Australians think it is funny when us Americans say the word 'dirty' because it sounds...well...dirty, rather than pertaining to dirt or unclean. I think this is much like how when Stacey used to say 'naughty' I would think it sounded sexy and mysterious and fun...yeah.
Dookie means nothing at all to the Australians, which makes a town named dookie hilarious. Because there is one.
As well, they have signs for powernaps. Like on the side of the road, billboards that are like "You need a powernap!" or ones that are like town signs, "Powernap - 4km" Ridiculous.
Lemonade is lemon/lime soda. Like Sprite. As well, there is no Diet Pepsi. Marketing told Pepsi that 'diet' has a negative connotation so they changed the name to Pepsi Max. And no, it isn't like the new energy Pepsi that we have, I made this argument to Joan and lost. Root beer is no where to be found, which is very VERY sad. As well, Dr. Pepper is a specialty cola, they don't sell it except in special little places. I found Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in a specialty liquor store down the street. It costs $7 a bottle. Someone will HAVE to bring me some from the States, I might even see if you can just ship it in for me. No New Belgium or anything of the sort, even at the specialty beer store. Boo, sunshine and mothership are needed as well in the beer package.
That is all for now. We shall be making more Mexican food for our friends on Thursday I believe, so this time I will take pictures!
I have not done anything neat in the last few days. I ate mediocre Indian food in the city, walked around a lot, went up to the Alderman for a drink and chatted with Aniki and Emma. Then got accosted by a 40 year old woman in a bar a few doors down. She was drunk as hell and all over me and I didn't know what to do, so I sat there and got played with until she got distracted and I snuck out. Whew, close one.
The next day I sat inside most all of it, and while trying to find answers to some DJ problems I was having, I found out that one of the few DJs I've actually been listening to regularly was playing, THAT NIGHT. So out I went to see In Flagranti. He played at 2a, I got there at 11p, so I was wasted by the time he came on. I puked in the bathroom (first time in Australia, I'm doing better!) and went out to sit and listen to him spin. I met a bloke named Brad who was really nice and we chatted for a long time, laughed a lot, and drank. I didn't get any of his info though. It was a brisk hour walk home or so, and that was helpful for the state I was in.
I got home and confessed my love to Jessie though, who, while I do love, as a friend, is probably extra creeped out by it. Jessie, love you tons, but I think we both know how our relationship would turn out. You beating me up and me staying in the kitchen and never going out anymore.
Yesterday I left the house once, because I was quite hungover. I got in at like 4a or something (I left early) and slept till 2. Then said "screw it, I'm staying inside and doing fuck all." I got Doritos, and soda, and did just that. Although I did watch a footy game, that was EXCELLENT.
I found facebook boggle, so I've been pretty much addicted to that. But my internet just went back to being slow as hell today, so I'm guessing it won't work anymore, because nothing really does when you're on dial up speed being shared between 3 computers.
American Astronaut is playing on Friday, and I will make a date of it if I have to kidnap some girl off the street and put her in a cocktail dress. I think a friend of a friend (Olga from Warsaw!) will be the one to go with me though, just to have a ball, dress up, and watch probably the best movie I've ever seen, on a big screen. I believe Joan is going to come as well, and hopefully my room mates!
I applied for a job as a publicist for the Esplanade Hotel here in St. Kilda. It's a popular venue, and an institution I guess here in Melbourne. I think I have the skill to do it, as long as they won't mind an American. We shall see. The cover letter was only 200 words, but it was witty and got the point across, and my CV still looks very good, and I reordered some things so they come first under responsibilities of my jobs. I think it's on point. Other than that, there's been no leads for jobs. This is harder than I thought...but then again, I don't want to wait tables really.
Today I went walking, down the coast a bit, and then it started to rain, which sucked, so I came back home. I will maybe look around on a map and see what's close and if there is anything fun around. My room mate said there is a giant banana and strawberry somewhere in the city. There was an architectural tour of downtown today, called Open House Melbourne. But I didn't want to go into the city really, and I don't know how into it I would be. Oh well.
This One Hundred Years of Solitude is good, but it doesn't make me want to pick it up and finish it. It just is like a time killer...which is fine, but not nearly as engrossing as the other books I've read recently. I think I'll be relieved to start The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
The DJ gear I wanted doesn't work with my computer so I have to spend about $50 more on something less cool, that should work. I'm still compiling some mixes, so we will see. Once I get the song lineup at least...and my midi controller working perfectly...I will probably shell out the cash to finish the mixes and be ready to play out.
Hopefully I'll have a job by then! :)
Fun facts for your day:
Rooting is slang for sex here. Fanny means vagina. Therefore 'rooting with your fanny pack on' is a hilarious statement. As well, the Australians think it is funny when us Americans say the word 'dirty' because it sounds...well...dirty, rather than pertaining to dirt or unclean. I think this is much like how when Stacey used to say 'naughty' I would think it sounded sexy and mysterious and fun...yeah.
Dookie means nothing at all to the Australians, which makes a town named dookie hilarious. Because there is one.
As well, they have signs for powernaps. Like on the side of the road, billboards that are like "You need a powernap!" or ones that are like town signs, "Powernap - 4km" Ridiculous.
Lemonade is lemon/lime soda. Like Sprite. As well, there is no Diet Pepsi. Marketing told Pepsi that 'diet' has a negative connotation so they changed the name to Pepsi Max. And no, it isn't like the new energy Pepsi that we have, I made this argument to Joan and lost. Root beer is no where to be found, which is very VERY sad. As well, Dr. Pepper is a specialty cola, they don't sell it except in special little places. I found Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in a specialty liquor store down the street. It costs $7 a bottle. Someone will HAVE to bring me some from the States, I might even see if you can just ship it in for me. No New Belgium or anything of the sort, even at the specialty beer store. Boo, sunshine and mothership are needed as well in the beer package.
That is all for now. We shall be making more Mexican food for our friends on Thursday I believe, so this time I will take pictures!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Beards arn't supposed to be on babies.
Joan and I have been going baby crazy. It's stupid, every kid I see I just want to pick up and take with me. I'm missing my little niece and her running around like she had crack for breakfast. I told Joan I wanted to grab this little baby and just rub my beard all over his tummy (he was a porker) and she said "Beards arn't supposed to be on babies, they have sensitive skin!" Whatever, beards on babies, it'll be my new nanny company. All the babysitters will be bearded fellows who enjoy those beards being rubbed on little kids. I'm sure we have a specialty niche of parents who only want the best for their kids.
As far as fun things, I said I went to the aquarium. It was nice, but really packed. They have giant rays that are around 9 feet across, and some really cool leafy plant like seahorses. It's nice, minus all the people that have to document the aquarium like it was something they were going to show at their funeral. No, you don't have to get every angle on every stupid bright yellow fish, but you can do it and piss off the other people who are trying to see the exhibit all you want. Just don't expect me to move when you want a 40 minute artistic view of the jellyfish. Dick.
Joan and I have been walking a lot again. It's like the first few days when we got here. We don't have anything to do, we sent off tons of applications, haven't heard back, and now are just trying to think about what to do next. Joan is leaving for Newcastle for a week, so I'll be lonely, but that's alright. Maybe by that time I'll have more friends.
The guy who I bought the DJ gear from was really nice and came out and had a drink with us the other night. He told us how buying a house for yourself in Australia is horrible. I guess to get your interest tax deductible or something you have to not live in the house you bought. You have to rent it out. That seems weird right? Oh well, he's enlightened us on traveling and some other aspects of Aussie culture. As well, he's having a party soon and wants us to come. Yay to chance meetings in a music equipment store.
I will be making a few mixes and posting them somewhere, maybe here, so you can hear how neat mixing on a laptop is.
Joan and I went to an art deco exhibition at the Victorian National Gallery. Here's the info page for it. http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/artdeco/
It was pretty cool, although again, it was packed. It's school holiday so it's the worst time to go to these things, but what else are we going to do?! Anyway, so we spent an hour or so in that exhibit, and the rest of the gallery is free, so we explored it all. We sorta skipped Asian art, because it was sorta boring, but we saw a TON of 17th, 18th, and 19th century European art. Some Picassos, some Rembrandts, some other famous painters that I'm sure other people would remember but not me. We saw a couple contemporary exhibits, and a boring photography exhibit, but an incredible video installation from Latin America (http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/resonantvisions/) and a great collection of prints by Otto Dix (http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/war/).
This was the coolest video, the painter would paint faces and then they would evaporate while he would paint the next one and it just kept switching. It was really neat.
But, the whole of or museum trip took us FOUR and a HALF HOURS. 4.5 hours of walking around this GIANT gallery and looking at paintings, and we didn't even sit there and contemplate most of them, we just walked by and saw them. It was insane. I'll go back when some of the exhibits change and give it another good once over.
Still no job. Was told to send an application to Aesop (pro: eeee sawp) because they were hiring. They sell incredibly beautiful sprays and lotions and etc...
Smell so good.
We made pizza last night, it was yummy. Tonight is $10 steak night, although I might not go to it. We will see.
Okay, back to doing nothing with my life!
As far as fun things, I said I went to the aquarium. It was nice, but really packed. They have giant rays that are around 9 feet across, and some really cool leafy plant like seahorses. It's nice, minus all the people that have to document the aquarium like it was something they were going to show at their funeral. No, you don't have to get every angle on every stupid bright yellow fish, but you can do it and piss off the other people who are trying to see the exhibit all you want. Just don't expect me to move when you want a 40 minute artistic view of the jellyfish. Dick.
Joan and I have been walking a lot again. It's like the first few days when we got here. We don't have anything to do, we sent off tons of applications, haven't heard back, and now are just trying to think about what to do next. Joan is leaving for Newcastle for a week, so I'll be lonely, but that's alright. Maybe by that time I'll have more friends.
The guy who I bought the DJ gear from was really nice and came out and had a drink with us the other night. He told us how buying a house for yourself in Australia is horrible. I guess to get your interest tax deductible or something you have to not live in the house you bought. You have to rent it out. That seems weird right? Oh well, he's enlightened us on traveling and some other aspects of Aussie culture. As well, he's having a party soon and wants us to come. Yay to chance meetings in a music equipment store.
I will be making a few mixes and posting them somewhere, maybe here, so you can hear how neat mixing on a laptop is.
Joan and I went to an art deco exhibition at the Victorian National Gallery. Here's the info page for it. http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/artdeco/
It was pretty cool, although again, it was packed. It's school holiday so it's the worst time to go to these things, but what else are we going to do?! Anyway, so we spent an hour or so in that exhibit, and the rest of the gallery is free, so we explored it all. We sorta skipped Asian art, because it was sorta boring, but we saw a TON of 17th, 18th, and 19th century European art. Some Picassos, some Rembrandts, some other famous painters that I'm sure other people would remember but not me. We saw a couple contemporary exhibits, and a boring photography exhibit, but an incredible video installation from Latin America (http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/resonantvisions/) and a great collection of prints by Otto Dix (http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/war/).
This was the coolest video, the painter would paint faces and then they would evaporate while he would paint the next one and it just kept switching. It was really neat.
But, the whole of or museum trip took us FOUR and a HALF HOURS. 4.5 hours of walking around this GIANT gallery and looking at paintings, and we didn't even sit there and contemplate most of them, we just walked by and saw them. It was insane. I'll go back when some of the exhibits change and give it another good once over.
Still no job. Was told to send an application to Aesop (pro: eeee sawp) because they were hiring. They sell incredibly beautiful sprays and lotions and etc...
Smell so good.
We made pizza last night, it was yummy. Tonight is $10 steak night, although I might not go to it. We will see.
Okay, back to doing nothing with my life!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Get your high speed internet engines STARTED.
This shall be a multimedia update to try and relate some aspects of Melbourne to all of you through sight rather than...reading? Whatever, you like youtube.
Last night I sat around watching Australian footy. Okay, this is a crazy sport that is basically only played down here it seems, and at first look it's like rugby but...it's not.
The idea is to score points by putting the ball between the two center uprights. If you catch a ball from a kick of a determined distance or more, you get a free kick (this is called a mark, and is what most of this video is). You can smother kicks, you can tackle, and if you're running with the ball you have to bounce it every now and then. St. Kilda won last night. Wooo home team.
The trams. This is what I spend around 2 hours a day on when I'm playing around in the city.
(oh and yes I love French but it was one of the only videos with a view of the inside of the tram, I'm not that lame.)
So Acland St. is right out my door, if you go look at that map I posted you can see it's really like a block away. So I found a video of some drunk girl doing a tour. They start out literally 1 min walk from my house, across from a porn shop.
I forgot to mention how many protests Melbourne has a while back. When Joan and I were on a tram a few weeks ago we went by the parliment building and there was an overturned car on the steps...like UP the steps. People had to carry it up there, and then flip it over. There was stuff everywhere, people, police...it was just crazy. Anyway, the next day we say security guards on strike, and Joan saw a marching band on a tram line protesting trams or something. It is crazy. Anyway, to give you an idea, here is a video of Melburnians protesting for Macedonia.
Okay so this was a lazy post, but there hasn't been much to update. I went to the Aquarium, I bought some DJ gear, and I still don't have a job.
I'll post when something exciting happens!
Last night I sat around watching Australian footy. Okay, this is a crazy sport that is basically only played down here it seems, and at first look it's like rugby but...it's not.
The idea is to score points by putting the ball between the two center uprights. If you catch a ball from a kick of a determined distance or more, you get a free kick (this is called a mark, and is what most of this video is). You can smother kicks, you can tackle, and if you're running with the ball you have to bounce it every now and then. St. Kilda won last night. Wooo home team.
The trams. This is what I spend around 2 hours a day on when I'm playing around in the city.
(oh and yes I love French but it was one of the only videos with a view of the inside of the tram, I'm not that lame.)
So Acland St. is right out my door, if you go look at that map I posted you can see it's really like a block away. So I found a video of some drunk girl doing a tour. They start out literally 1 min walk from my house, across from a porn shop.
I forgot to mention how many protests Melbourne has a while back. When Joan and I were on a tram a few weeks ago we went by the parliment building and there was an overturned car on the steps...like UP the steps. People had to carry it up there, and then flip it over. There was stuff everywhere, people, police...it was just crazy. Anyway, the next day we say security guards on strike, and Joan saw a marching band on a tram line protesting trams or something. It is crazy. Anyway, to give you an idea, here is a video of Melburnians protesting for Macedonia.
Okay so this was a lazy post, but there hasn't been much to update. I went to the Aquarium, I bought some DJ gear, and I still don't have a job.
I'll post when something exciting happens!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Now I'm free to sink my own damn ship
So after a frigid day of staggering disappointment in the world of job searching, I came home to a big box of fish and chips. It was maybe the best meal I've eaten since being in Australia. That might have been due to how hungry I was, or how dreadful today ended up being, or maybe even just because it was hot and my room was freezing, but I never knew fried food could make me feel so happy.
I realized the other day that I have eaten fries (chips!) almost every day for the last week or so. That's gross, but delicious. I think I dropped the weight I wanted to when I moved here, became sick, and walked around all day for a week straight. Too bad I'm a little fatty wannabe and went on a binge of fries. Joan and I compared tummies, Emma judged, I won. That should be a CMJ category, skinny kids with the most abnormal poochy guts. Make it happen Lisa.
I finished the Yiddish Policeman's Union, and Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon. The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay is on my floor but I decided to take a break from books about Jews and instead started reading 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Oh yeah, my pro/con for Wayne and Garth never came to fruition, so instead we will just conclude if you want to rule, get chicks, and wear black...Wayne is your man. If you like being goofy, and playing the drums, and being a lone wolf...Garth is your model human being. Get yourself some red rope licorice.
I cooked. Yeah! Mom be proud! We made Mexican for the girls, because we can do that and blow their minds for like $3. The tortillas were incredible! Home made! I was very impressed at how easy they were. I also made some Greek garbanzo bean salad with mint and garlic and scallions and such. It was super easy, but look at that! Fresh cooked food to supplement my diet of fried potatoes! Joan also showed me how to fry an egg. I don't like cooking eggs, but it looks like I will have to get the hang of it. They are the cheap food of choice so far.
Okay, as promised, here are pictures: the beach and a giant pineapple Joan and I found.

I realized the other day that I have eaten fries (chips!) almost every day for the last week or so. That's gross, but delicious. I think I dropped the weight I wanted to when I moved here, became sick, and walked around all day for a week straight. Too bad I'm a little fatty wannabe and went on a binge of fries. Joan and I compared tummies, Emma judged, I won. That should be a CMJ category, skinny kids with the most abnormal poochy guts. Make it happen Lisa.
I finished the Yiddish Policeman's Union, and Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon. The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay is on my floor but I decided to take a break from books about Jews and instead started reading 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Oh yeah, my pro/con for Wayne and Garth never came to fruition, so instead we will just conclude if you want to rule, get chicks, and wear black...Wayne is your man. If you like being goofy, and playing the drums, and being a lone wolf...Garth is your model human being. Get yourself some red rope licorice.
I cooked. Yeah! Mom be proud! We made Mexican for the girls, because we can do that and blow their minds for like $3. The tortillas were incredible! Home made! I was very impressed at how easy they were. I also made some Greek garbanzo bean salad with mint and garlic and scallions and such. It was super easy, but look at that! Fresh cooked food to supplement my diet of fried potatoes! Joan also showed me how to fry an egg. I don't like cooking eggs, but it looks like I will have to get the hang of it. They are the cheap food of choice so far.
Okay, as promised, here are pictures: the beach and a giant pineapple Joan and I found.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
In hindsight, I don't want to be like the people I liked
So I discussed with Sierra today the finer points of writing a book. Sallie suggested it, so I mentioned it to a few people, and Sierra said "why not?"
My response was obviously: My life is stupid, plus I suck at writing in proper grammar. I even spelled grammar wrong when I wrote that response to her.
We did agree on one thing, the book title would be "Fucking Marsupials"
Fucking marsupials.
Joan moved out to her apartment...yesterday. Her room mates smoke inside (yuck) and told her they wouldn't when they showed her the house (double yuck, right?).
Other than that though, her room is great. We both got space heaters today...we deemed $20 worth it. Mine smells like plastic and I might die from the fumes tonight. Don't worry, I'll sleep inside my normal cocoon of sheets and filter out that gross air.
Let's talk about words for a moment. Beyond the fact that I just had to rewrite the last sentence like 5 times, these Australians are funny.
Comforter = duvet = duvie (slang) = du-vi
Red head = ginger = ranger (slang, orangutan) = ɹeɪn-gɚ
(look at those linguistics shine, 5 years!)
Those are the two best. Now let's talk about candy (lollies as they are called here).
Anything gummy (you know, gumdrops, fruit slice things, mint leaves, etc...) is like grossly gummy and soft. Joan says it's because we use corn syrup. I say it's too chewy, my jaw clicks after 2 of them and it bothers me to eat with a gross clicking noise inside my head. Ew.
There is a flavor of candy called "Musk." Emma said it was her favorite, and when asked to describe it, she says "Ya know the smell, like cologne that's labeled 'musk'? It's like that."
I vomited right there. Joan made it 3 steps further, vomited, and then we both laughed until we vomited again. Gross.
Emma just brought some home because I didn't believe it. That anyone could eat something like that. Guess what!? Vegimite isn't the only disgusting thing in Australia! Nope not the girls either! Musk candy is like the spray from your $9 bottle of cologne from when you were 12 and you just forgot to close your mouth because you're stupid.
The parrots were up to their freaking-the-shit-out-of-me antics again today. I guess it's not just like mating week, it's like mating every Thursday afternoon. An orgy of bright green and red.
OH! Joan and I saw a pigeon fight yesterday! How crazy! It was like a miniature cockfight between animals stupider than chickens, we just had to stop walking and laugh. Pigeons don't fight to the death though, just till someone walks past them we found out.
As a pre-birthday wish, I hope you all do what Joan and I have planned for the 4th of July. Rum and coke and Jimmy Buffet in honor of my father. Thanks for everything Dad.
I got a sweet new duvie cover at Ikea today. I hope most everyone knows how happy this makes me. Stylicious. $12. From Sweden. What could be better?
I think...
Wait, MEATBALLS could make it better. Damnit, back to Ikea.
Job hunting sucks. Ya know, just so everyone knows. It sucks. Especially when you have a resume that is cool for music jobs but might as well scream "Yeah I wasted 5 years getting a degree and not working in hospitality, child care, or retail. How fucking stupid of me. Oh p.s. I can talk on the radio, cool right?"
I hope to find a small American flag for tomorrow, and to get blasted and teach people the national anthem. I should probably brush up on that myself. Maybe I'll stick to the pledge of allegiance. Or the "beans beans the magical fruit..."
Yeah, the last one. It'll be a hit. I'll record it with digeridoos.
Fucking marsupials.
(pictures to come, Joan took them all!)
My response was obviously: My life is stupid, plus I suck at writing in proper grammar. I even spelled grammar wrong when I wrote that response to her.
We did agree on one thing, the book title would be "Fucking Marsupials"
Fucking marsupials.
Joan moved out to her apartment...yesterday. Her room mates smoke inside (yuck) and told her they wouldn't when they showed her the house (double yuck, right?).
Other than that though, her room is great. We both got space heaters today...we deemed $20 worth it. Mine smells like plastic and I might die from the fumes tonight. Don't worry, I'll sleep inside my normal cocoon of sheets and filter out that gross air.
Let's talk about words for a moment. Beyond the fact that I just had to rewrite the last sentence like 5 times, these Australians are funny.
Comforter = duvet = duvie (slang) = du-vi
Red head = ginger = ranger (slang, orangutan) = ɹeɪn-gɚ
(look at those linguistics shine, 5 years!)
Those are the two best. Now let's talk about candy (lollies as they are called here).
Anything gummy (you know, gumdrops, fruit slice things, mint leaves, etc...) is like grossly gummy and soft. Joan says it's because we use corn syrup. I say it's too chewy, my jaw clicks after 2 of them and it bothers me to eat with a gross clicking noise inside my head. Ew.
There is a flavor of candy called "Musk." Emma said it was her favorite, and when asked to describe it, she says "Ya know the smell, like cologne that's labeled 'musk'? It's like that."
I vomited right there. Joan made it 3 steps further, vomited, and then we both laughed until we vomited again. Gross.
Emma just brought some home because I didn't believe it. That anyone could eat something like that. Guess what!? Vegimite isn't the only disgusting thing in Australia! Nope not the girls either! Musk candy is like the spray from your $9 bottle of cologne from when you were 12 and you just forgot to close your mouth because you're stupid.
The parrots were up to their freaking-the-shit-out-of-me antics again today. I guess it's not just like mating week, it's like mating every Thursday afternoon. An orgy of bright green and red.
OH! Joan and I saw a pigeon fight yesterday! How crazy! It was like a miniature cockfight between animals stupider than chickens, we just had to stop walking and laugh. Pigeons don't fight to the death though, just till someone walks past them we found out.
As a pre-birthday wish, I hope you all do what Joan and I have planned for the 4th of July. Rum and coke and Jimmy Buffet in honor of my father. Thanks for everything Dad.
I got a sweet new duvie cover at Ikea today. I hope most everyone knows how happy this makes me. Stylicious. $12. From Sweden. What could be better?
I think...
Wait, MEATBALLS could make it better. Damnit, back to Ikea.
Job hunting sucks. Ya know, just so everyone knows. It sucks. Especially when you have a resume that is cool for music jobs but might as well scream "Yeah I wasted 5 years getting a degree and not working in hospitality, child care, or retail. How fucking stupid of me. Oh p.s. I can talk on the radio, cool right?"
I hope to find a small American flag for tomorrow, and to get blasted and teach people the national anthem. I should probably brush up on that myself. Maybe I'll stick to the pledge of allegiance. Or the "beans beans the magical fruit..."
Yeah, the last one. It'll be a hit. I'll record it with digeridoos.
Fucking marsupials.
(pictures to come, Joan took them all!)
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