I have resolved to a) make these posts more often so I don't have giant entries to pummel through, and b) make them funnier because they have been lacking in the funny department lately.
Sierra came and visited!
I could write volumes about this, but we're going to go with the quick synopsis + pictures. Phillip Beach, Zoo, Museums, Thanksgiving, and lots of awesome bar crawling.

Pictures: My twice baked potatoes, our thanksgiving, me driving (on the wrong side of the road, with the steering wheel on the wrong side too) and looking metal.
It was tons of fun, and really nice to just hang out with her. It's always super easy and we get along really well so it was just like hanging out back in Boulder, minus youtube clips since my internet is slow. Oh except this clip about Obama supporters having nothing to do now.
Work is going good...still struggling to get the music page together but I think I might have a way to at least start getting some new stuff done. I am now going to be hosting an hour long radio show on Triple R for Three Thousand (along with Penny, my editor, and Kirsten, another contributor). Basically this information makes a lot of my friends down here sorta jealous as Triple R is...well...the hippest. Along with this, I'm going to try to start the music coverage on Three Thousand with a music filled podcast...hopefully that will get me a bit more $. As well, I got a project for the city of Melbourne's Lost & Found. It's like a tourist pamphlet. I will be actually published. In print! But yeah, an American who has been in the city for 5 months writing about the secret places in Melbourne that you have to visit when you come. What. The. Hell. I've also done some more interviews that should get me more $$. Still waiting on it though.
Fran, my housemate went back to Alice Springs for 2 months. And Emily is leaving in January. It's going to be weird, I have to find a new housemate with Sheridan. Which will be interesting.
I talked with Jen the other day for 12 hours over the internet because we are nerds. My eyes and carpal tunnel felt fine. Really.
I went to my first rooftop cinema last night, it was pretty crazy. This movie called Liquid Sky which is basically like a cult classic psychedelic movie. I wish I did drugs so I could have actually understood the damn thing. It was pretty funny though...I suggest it for anyone that likes (appreciates?) crap like Moonwalker.
My father has decided to come visit. It was about as random as could be, but he got a good deal and will be here this Sunday through the 20th! So I get to do the whole tourist thing again! No really! I'm excited! Again!
Now...my current dilemmas:
a) What do I want for Christmas?
b) What do I get for people for Christmas?
c) Where do I get a credit card to afford these things?
d) How do I emigrate to Australia?
Okay...more updates coming soon...promise.
p.s. - Bookmark this page and this page and you can see all the articles I write whenever one gets posted.
I want a certain package to arrive for christmas!
'the hippest?' well OF COURSE you belong there, then. ha!
good news on all counts, yo. keep it up.
do emigrate. i'll be in nz/oz in november '09. joan's already told me she won't be there. will you?
o, and for christmas, i would like my two front teeth.
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