I don't know what we are going to do, but we will figure it out. Probably a day trip to Phillip Island and maybe Wilson's Prom. I don't know what the second one is (besides a little penusula), but supposedly there is a beach on it that that squeaks when you walk on the sand. What? I don't get it either. Australia is full of crazy shit.
My mind was blown the other day because I found this:
Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.
I really don't know how to cope with this stuff. Technology is getting really cool.
I have been at the library all day stealing the fast internet to download stuff. I have fast internet at home again, but I really don't want to use it all up real quick. The girls and I still have to upgrade it so we have more than like 2GB of data to go through.
I watched Candyman last night with my housemate Emily. She is pretty rad, and she's sorta Jewish I guess. The first Australian Jew I have met. It was always weird to me how many Jewish people I knew back in Boulder...because I never met any outside of that. Growing up I knew none, but come college, I'm flooded by them. They are everywhere.
Anyway, the point of this Jewish tirade is...Candyman is a good horror movie from the dude who did Hellraiser but would have been better if the story wasn't so lame. Phillip Glass did the music.
Today I've been trying real hard to be witty, because I wanted to finish my work for this week before momma gets here but...I'm just not funny. And before you say "Oh Pat you were never funny." Don't. Because I just wrote in a newsletter that gets sent to TONS of Australians that thier grandmas were hot. THAT IS HUMOR. (HERE)
But once again, the point is I'm not witty today, and I'm sorry for it because it makes this post horrible and normal.
Here's something to make it better I guess:

"p.s. Let's hope Obama wins, even if he won't make it through the first year."
What? Are you talking about obama getting assassinated?
'kinda jewish ...' nice.
sounds like a blast, my friend!
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