Work paid me. Which is great. I presented my new ideas to them, and they ate it up. I think I might be able to be employed there for a full time type job. I'm hoping so at least. I figure I can live quite well on double what I'm making now, and anything over that I can save...which would be extra great. Plus they seem like a company that might front $ to keep me here, especially if they can deduct that money later :)
I am an independent contractor, again. I did it with Spectre, but now I'm back to having my own company registration number and submitting invoices. How adult. How terribly adult.
My new house is really good. It's got a big full on kitchen. It's got a giant back yard. It's got room mates that are mature, have jobs, and don't fuck with you. It's got room mates that are hilarious and just as inappropriate as me. The internet sucks more than the old house, but I think we are going to change that, which is needed. I just hope that when the girl who's stuff is all furnishing my room comes back she doesn't kick me right the fuck out! But c'est la vie.
I got one of the best presents since I've been here in the mail the other day.

Thank you so much Sierra. Artwork on my body and all over my room! No, I haven't put up everything yet...but soon!
Speaking of Sierra! She is coming to visit me. It's more than I can say about the rest of you slackers.
It's going to be a blast, and I'm getting super excited for it. I am probably equally excited about how awesome it will be when my MOM comes to visit in 2 weeks! She has been out of the united states about, twice. No joking. SHE IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA! It is going to do her head in. We might go to Tassie, Great Barrier Reef, Wilson's Prom, Black Spur Drive, Phillip Island, and New Zealand. Well obviously not all of them, but those are the ideas. Oh I'm so excited to have visitors!!! Dad, get down here for 100+ Christmas time.
I have been foiled by my local library. Out of the following books, they have NONE. So that means I might have to buy one (once I get paid again). The booklist: Play it as it Lays - Joan Didion, The World to Come - dana Horn, Arkansas - John Brandon, Here They Come - Yannick Murphey, Voyage Along the Horizon - Javier Marias, Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz, Goodbye, Columbus - Philip Roth, and The Ministry of Special Cases. Tell me which to buy first!
Oh and I didn't finish Roberto Bolano. I might get back to it, but for the time being it's going to rest over there in the "Got boring real quick, this author should've gotten back to the story" pile with A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.
Alright, I don't remember what else I wanted to post about, so this will have to do! Oh and there will be a video uploaded real soon, I just have to wait for my slow internet to get it up.
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