Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You are a beautiful and violent word

The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano is pretty good. I've come to realize though, it was only recommended to me because of how extremely perverse it is. Thanks. I like to get books I have some interest in, but I know you thought I'd just dig bohemian poets having lots of sex. I know what you think of me now.

The new job is great, and I think it's turning into something like the radio station. I am completely ready to give up my free time to do work stuff, and write things for them, and do whatever they need really. I dig it. Unfortunately today they decided that the worst lollies in the world (candy) were U.S. Spice Drops. Screw them, the line has been DRAWN.

No really, it's a great place to work I think. I have my own little center office desk, I get to sit there and laugh at youtube videos they send me, and I get to be a writer. How crazy is that?! I'm a writer. I have my own byline and everything. PSYCHED. If you want to see it, just shoot over to www.threethousand.com.au. One of my reviews is up there (it's the Isaac Hayes tribute album) and I do the copy for the www.threethousand.com.au/mixtapes section. As well, I will have another review this week for a band called the Delta Spirit, and 2 reviews of things to do at the Melbourne Arts Festival. Really, Patti Smith is reading Ginsberg poems while Philip Glass plays in the background; DJ Spooky is showing a documentary about the sound of ICE in Antartica; and the Schonberg ensemble is playing Gyorgi Ligeti and Schonberg pieces...plus more. MELBOURNE YOU'RE COOL, let's date.

Anyways, job is pretty good, people are super rad, dogs haven't been into work lately...what slackers. I'm coming up with some ideas to extend my work, and they want a proposal by Oct. 14th so I have to make something happen. I'll get it done I guess!

My hair was cut for the cost of making curry. Fair trade.

I finished a disco mix so go tell me what you think. Some of the songs are EQ'd sorta gross...but we will see what the clubs think of it. Maybe I'll get a gig.

That's it for now. I will leave you with this video that I absolutely died for.
Fun with gas.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I get to see delta spirit on sat. with dr. dog! And with conor and hayley!!!!

I'm glad you found such a sweet ass job. <3