The parrots in St. Kilda are crazy. Yeah, like full on batshit crazy. Down here, we have like 3 birds it seems. Seagulls, which are dumb and stuff. Pigeons, see description for seagulls. And Parrots. They screech loudly, they're pretty, they travel in pairs, and they are EVERYWHERE. It sounded so loud the other day, just from the birds in the palm trees. But the scary thing was that you couldn't even see them, they just blended in with the trees, and made tons of noise.
My hangovers down here seem to be worse than ever. Maybe I'm old now. That magical age when hangovers determine that you don't want to drink. Let's hope not. Or maybe I've just done all the damage my liver can casually take. That'd suck too. Maybe I'm just a wuss.
I want to thank my dear old sister for telling me to eat greasy food when I was hungover. It's saved me from puking my guts out a million times.
Tessa likes to text me, I think I make her laugh because I'm such a dick. Some of you will understand.
We're doing Mexican tomorrow night for the girls. We're even making our own tortillas, because the ones in the Safeway looked like shit.
They don't have yellow cheddar here. What. The. Hell. They have cheese that they call "Tasty" Not Colby, or Jack, or Mozzarella. Tasty. So weird. It's actually white cheddar, but they call it Tasty. I don't like that one bit.
I've decided that I should have learned my lesson the first time that blue poster tack didn't work in my life, because today a poster fell on my head. Idea: never buy that stuff again, it's terrible. When my room mate tries talks me out of tacks again, I'll tell her to shut the hell up and buy some spackle. Spell check doesn't like that word, maybe I should just change it to sparkle. That'd be funnier.
Tomorrow starts the job search. Well not exactly starts, as I have been looking online relentlessly. We will see I guess.
Joan is staying in Melbourne, she found a wonderful room, I bet she'll write about it in her blog. I'm glad, because I'd miss her dearly.
Lost the auction for that midi controller. Which is fine, I will just have to search out a new one, and turn into a superstar DJ a month later than I had planned. Yeah. Rock on.
Crisis at the moment: What book do I read next, as I really would like to be literate.
Runner up: Is it better to be Wayne or Garth?
I'll post my pro/con list soon.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Every morning is the same

Well here we are. I guess there are more people reading this than I thought. Hello to you.
Today is the 9th day of my Australian adventure. The internet is slow because I downloaded too much I think. Oops.
I got my room set up and unpacked and such. It's nice. I love Ikea. For around $100 I got...
2 big blue bags to hold stuff, 3 dish towels, a trashcan, 10 nice big hangers, sheets, a duvet, a blanket, a shower curtain, a closet organizer, and...chocolate bars. The last thing I need is a bedside table. I NEED one for some reason. I don't like all this crap just on the floor next to my bed.
I bid on a BCD2000, which is a midi controller for my computer. Basically something that can emulate turntables/cd players with a mixer on my computer so I don't have to re-buy all that stuff if I want to DJ. And speaking of DJ'ing, the Esplanade hotel has a bunch of shows and are always looking for DJs (so says their website) AND is right around the corner. Maybe I can give it a go once I get some equipment. That'd be nice.
I'm a nerd and posted a missed connection for a cute redhead girl that works at the Lush store in the city. Woooooah she's hot.
We went out to indian food last night, it was great, and relatively cheap. It was my housemates birthday party. It was a surprise party with about 14 people and I got to make a toast. "I've known you for 3 days, happy birthday. Thank you, and our other housemates for letting me rent the room and for letting Joan stay with us. I hope to see the rest of you again soon" because you're all girls and you're all cute.
I don't know what to do with myself. I think I will go look for a job next week. Follow up on Missing Link records...I gave them my information and they probably just trashed it. There are 2 other record stores within spitting distance of my house. One that seems to specialize in funk and soul, how cool. There are also tons of little boutiques, so I will probably apply to just be a retail bitch somewhere. It will be fine for a 6 month stay, and if it's close to my house that'd be a super added bonus!
Other new stuff...
Liquor prices are absurd...well, yeah. If you come visit, be prepared to drop some cash on duty free liquor for Joan and I. Not even kidding. A small bottle of gin...the cheapest is $25. Whaaaaat?! Anyways, wine is cheap, but I hate drinking wine all the time.
Next door they are starting construction. Hah.
My housemates are...not clean. But not terribly dirty. Just sorta comfortable being a little dirty, which I guess is better than being a clean freak. But I am bothered by it a bit. I will just have to clean stuff secretly.
I need a space heater too. None of the bedrooms in our house have heat. Well...they do, but the heating vents don't work like they do in other rooms of the house. Elsewhere it gets quite hot, in the rooms, it's coooolllllllld.
I will start writing letters today I do believe, so if you're expecting one, there should be one for you soon. It costs me $2 to send it to you though, so love and cherish it.
I've woken up every morning in the past 4 thinking consistently about Stacey.
In this room with a view
and so much of you
is so far from here
I'm deep inside myself
But I'll get out somehow
Thanks Mojave 3 and Neil Young.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
BNT stands for Bras and's a store!
Yikes! It's been a while since I updated this. I should probably not fall into that habit already!
Since last time:
Reese was actually Tessa. Who I sorta blew off because her room was way out...but she ended up being really nice. Joan got along with her real well.
Emma, Megan, and Fatima are my new housemates, and I took their room.,+St+Kilda,+VIC+3182,+Australia&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.160552,76.992187&ie=UTF8&ll=-37.864843,144.979062&spn=0.008063,0.018797&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr
It's in St. Kilda which is a tourist spot turned cool. I live next to Luna Park...actually you can see the tops of these things from my doorstep at night. They light up.
I don't know what else to put up here really. Joan might move on from Melbourne as she is having a hard time finding a place to live...but she'll come back when it's warmer. The house is nice, I will make a tour video if I can.
I'm still all jet lagged, I went to bed at 730 last night. I'm also sick.
Step 1: House (accomplished)
Step 2: Job
Step 3: Fun
Step 4: Travel
Step 5: Love
We'll see how far I get on the list.
Since last time:
Reese was actually Tessa. Who I sorta blew off because her room was way out...but she ended up being really nice. Joan got along with her real well.
Emma, Megan, and Fatima are my new housemates, and I took their room.,+St+Kilda,+VIC+3182,+Australia&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.160552,76.992187&ie=UTF8&ll=-37.864843,144.979062&spn=0.008063,0.018797&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr
It's in St. Kilda which is a tourist spot turned cool. I live next to Luna Park...actually you can see the tops of these things from my doorstep at night. They light up.
I don't know what else to put up here really. Joan might move on from Melbourne as she is having a hard time finding a place to live...but she'll come back when it's warmer. The house is nice, I will make a tour video if I can.
I'm still all jet lagged, I went to bed at 730 last night. I'm also sick.
Step 1: House (accomplished)
Step 2: Job
Step 3: Fun
Step 4: Travel
Step 5: Love
We'll see how far I get on the list.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Another day another...dead kangaroo
So today was productive. It was nice. Joan and I got up early again, really early. Jet lag is just kicking both of our asses. But I texted a lot, traded in my phone for one that worked (mine broke), and hung out with Joan's first roommate interview thing.
We met Andy, he was incredibly nice and it just seemed like he wanted to be our friend. Which was nice, since we have none down here. He showed us his house, showed us the area, bought us coffee/hot chocolate, chatted with us about tons of things, and then walked us to a place where we could find more houses/rooms to rent. It was really nice of him.
Tonight I am going to meet Reese, a girl who is moving but leaving her furnished room in Brunswick to someone. Hopefully me. We will see. It's the right price, right area, but I'm afraid the room mates and I won't get along, or something. Anyways, she's really nice and I feel like I want to live with her! Too bad she is leaving.
As well I have another meeting with a girl named Dana. I can't see the house until tomorrow, but she wanted to see if her room mates and I could all meet up and chat, see if we get along. This is the email I got from her:
"I am responding to your email regarding North Fitzroy Home - Needs 1 one more dweller to be complete
We met Andy, he was incredibly nice and it just seemed like he wanted to be our friend. Which was nice, since we have none down here. He showed us his house, showed us the area, bought us coffee/hot chocolate, chatted with us about tons of things, and then walked us to a place where we could find more houses/rooms to rent. It was really nice of him.
Tonight I am going to meet Reese, a girl who is moving but leaving her furnished room in Brunswick to someone. Hopefully me. We will see. It's the right price, right area, but I'm afraid the room mates and I won't get along, or something. Anyways, she's really nice and I feel like I want to live with her! Too bad she is leaving.
As well I have another meeting with a girl named Dana. I can't see the house until tomorrow, but she wanted to see if her room mates and I could all meet up and chat, see if we get along. This is the email I got from her:
"I am responding to your email regarding North Fitzroy Home - Needs 1 one more dweller to be complete
(i am at work so emailing from work email). We really want a boy and I like Jens and cupcakes so you might be perfect.
My boyfriend is also a ginger ninja so you could get along famously.
The other girls are great too.I suggest you come and see the room immediately and we can take it from there."
It makes me pretty excited that someone actually might like me, and WANT me to live with them. It's in a nice area too, the club district, and they seem like fun girls. I'm really excited about it, and if one of those two don't work out...I'm going to be sorta screwed for a bit I think. We will see.
Sushi is $2 a roll here. It is pretty good, not the best, but not the worst. It comes with the CUTEST little fish shaped soy sauce droppers. Joan is sending one back.
Anyways, I miss some people but mainly glad I moved on. It's hard not having those people in my life but I think...well...I should see them again soon. I was upset when I got here a bit, but am pretty excited now. I just want to get a place for a month...then I will be able to relax a bit and find a place to work. I asked this super rad record shop in the CBD if they needed help and they told me to leave my name and number and they'd let me know. I hope it works out...because they were fucking killer. Bela Karoli, Slim Cessna, and everything that twist and shout has minus all the shit that twist and shout has. It was rad. They even had the Hyped to Death comps, I've only ever seen those in Othermusic. Fuck yeah.
Anyways. The Lucksmiths are playing soon, in a week, and I'm sure there are a few other bands playing. I'm excited to see them. Hopefully I have a place to live! :)
Okay, this is too much for one day, I'm going to get back to drinking wine and making myself look pretty for these girls.
It makes me pretty excited that someone actually might like me, and WANT me to live with them. It's in a nice area too, the club district, and they seem like fun girls. I'm really excited about it, and if one of those two don't work out...I'm going to be sorta screwed for a bit I think. We will see.
Sushi is $2 a roll here. It is pretty good, not the best, but not the worst. It comes with the CUTEST little fish shaped soy sauce droppers. Joan is sending one back.
Anyways, I miss some people but mainly glad I moved on. It's hard not having those people in my life but I think...well...I should see them again soon. I was upset when I got here a bit, but am pretty excited now. I just want to get a place for a month...then I will be able to relax a bit and find a place to work. I asked this super rad record shop in the CBD if they needed help and they told me to leave my name and number and they'd let me know. I hope it works out...because they were fucking killer. Bela Karoli, Slim Cessna, and everything that twist and shout has minus all the shit that twist and shout has. It was rad. They even had the Hyped to Death comps, I've only ever seen those in Othermusic. Fuck yeah.
Anyways. The Lucksmiths are playing soon, in a week, and I'm sure there are a few other bands playing. I'm excited to see them. Hopefully I have a place to live! :)
Okay, this is too much for one day, I'm going to get back to drinking wine and making myself look pretty for these girls.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
First 24hrs
Okay, still jet lagged. Joan and I woke up ridiculously early, and went to bed ridiculously early, but everything seems to be chugging along. It's a little bit overwhealming, and I hate that. I just feel like there is so much pressure on me to succeed and make sure everything appens for me, and I don't even know where to begin.
Things I do know.
I got here at 9:30 in the morning yesterday, it was mine and Joan's goal to stay up for 10 hours, and not go to go to sleep before that. Well Joan made it 7 or so, I made it 12 or so. The hostel is really nice, we have bunk beds, hah! They started playing, at 8am this morning, Ring of Fire. Yesterday they were playing something equally as strange for a hip little hostel in Melbourne.
It's cold. Like not bitter winter cold, but it's like 55-60, and it's the heart of fall. Trees have no leaves, and we are walking around in cardigans and sweaters. It's sorta weird, not because it's cold. But because it's fall in June. That just blows my mind.
The city is the hippest place I've ever been. Not even joking. The skyscrapers are art deco, the big squares are crazy looking, everything is just...hip. All the kids wear uniforms to school, but I'm guessing on the weekends they are just littering the town. The tram system seems really easy and reliable. Not too expensive, $140 for a month. I got a phone, which is a piece of shit, and if you saw me with it you'd probably laugh your ass off because of how stupid I am with it. But it was cheap, and should work fine for a year.
I have internet that I'm stealing, and Joan and I are about to ride into the city to grab free internet from a cafe or something, because she doesn't have it at the hostel. Stealing internet to find internet to steal. Hah.
I don't know what else to post really. I'm excited, but worried. I can't wait to make friends. I can't wait to have my own place. I can't wait to just sit around in Melbourne and know that it's my life now, rather than any other place I've been. This is home I guess.
Don't expect many pictures on this blog, I didn't bring my camera so any of the pictures will be from my webcam in my computer. We will see though.
Okay, we're heading into town. <3
Things I do know.
I got here at 9:30 in the morning yesterday, it was mine and Joan's goal to stay up for 10 hours, and not go to go to sleep before that. Well Joan made it 7 or so, I made it 12 or so. The hostel is really nice, we have bunk beds, hah! They started playing, at 8am this morning, Ring of Fire. Yesterday they were playing something equally as strange for a hip little hostel in Melbourne.
It's cold. Like not bitter winter cold, but it's like 55-60, and it's the heart of fall. Trees have no leaves, and we are walking around in cardigans and sweaters. It's sorta weird, not because it's cold. But because it's fall in June. That just blows my mind.
The city is the hippest place I've ever been. Not even joking. The skyscrapers are art deco, the big squares are crazy looking, everything is just...hip. All the kids wear uniforms to school, but I'm guessing on the weekends they are just littering the town. The tram system seems really easy and reliable. Not too expensive, $140 for a month. I got a phone, which is a piece of shit, and if you saw me with it you'd probably laugh your ass off because of how stupid I am with it. But it was cheap, and should work fine for a year.
I have internet that I'm stealing, and Joan and I are about to ride into the city to grab free internet from a cafe or something, because she doesn't have it at the hostel. Stealing internet to find internet to steal. Hah.
I don't know what else to post really. I'm excited, but worried. I can't wait to make friends. I can't wait to have my own place. I can't wait to just sit around in Melbourne and know that it's my life now, rather than any other place I've been. This is home I guess.
Don't expect many pictures on this blog, I didn't bring my camera so any of the pictures will be from my webcam in my computer. We will see though.
Okay, we're heading into town. <3
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